Event Registration

6's Low Rec Draw
6pm Happy Hour
7pm Draw Tournament
$15 per person includes:
21 and older
Entry to draw Tournament

This is a 2 person draw tournament (Any Combo).
You and your partner stay together all night and everyone else on your team changes each match.
6 on 6
September 13 (Friday)
If you do not have a partner, don't worry... we'll match you up with one!

Coupon codes are NOT the same as redemption codes. Coupons will still require a payment.
To pay for your team using a redemption code, complete this form, and click the "Pay by redemption code" button below.
Terms and Conditions

Redemption codes are provided when buying season passes or given directly by the STL Sandbar.
Upon successful payment, you should receive an email with your receipt.
Please check your junk email filters if you do not receive one promptly.
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